Arrival in Singapore
Our flight was uneventful and we were both so happy to see our FOUR suitcases tumble off the conveyor belt. While the suitcases were not large, we still brought a lot of stuff including several knitting projects, backgammon and scrabble games and a few books and lots more shoes than we might normally take on a trip. We found our hotel, Lloyds Inn, on the internet and were pleased that it was quite satisfactory for our four nights stay. It is called a minimalist hotel, mostly concrete with small, efficient rooms and fairly large bathrooms which are actually outside each room. Each room is air conditioned and then the bath is not! Unusual but works quite well! The inn is centrally located just north of the CBD and close to the MRT. I had a pretty hard time adjusting to time/travel, etc. the first day and believe me this picture doesn't at all reflect the way I felt. I barely made it a few blocks to an outdoor cafe where we had a little dinner and Gin and Tonics. The weather has been unusually humid and hot and even the locals are complaining.
Margie, you look exhausted!